Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers

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Volume 1 episodes (17)

1 Piratsy Under The Seas
After the others criticize Dale's sloppiness, he accidentally falls into a city garbage truck while cleaning up. In the rescuing of Dale, all the Rangers end up on a garbage barge heading out to sea. Chip and Dale get captured by P1-rats who live under the sea in an upside down 17th Century galleon. Monty poses as "Long Lost LaFitte" (the captain of the ship's rats) in order to rescue Chip and Dale. A menacing octopus (Billy the Squid), provided additional jeopardy as they release the ship's treasures causing the galleon to finally rise to the surface.
2 Catteries Not Included
In helping a little girl find her lost kitten, the Rescue Rangers find it has been kidnapped along with thousands of other cats. Professor Nimnul, a mad scientist-type, is capturing the cats, by using giant robot bulldogs, for use in making a giant static electricity generator. In hopes of terrifying the world, he holds the city ransom with lightning bolts. The Rescue Rangers save the day, rescuing all the cats and bringing Mandy's kitten home safely.
3 Dale Beside Himself
At the end of their vacation, three shape-changing aliens, Bric, Brac and Dtz, have to leave Earth but Dtz sneaks off and stays behind. When science fiction fan Dale meets Dtz, he convinces the alien to take his shape. Soon Dale has Dtz doing all his chores, and the rest of Rangers are shocked at sloppy Dale's new behavior. Bric and Brac demand that Dtz return home, but Dtz sends Dale in his place. Bric and Brac, worried that Dtz (actually Dale) is becoming too Earthlike, decide to freeze him and take him home to Reeblebrox for treatment. Dale escapes only to find he has to prove he's the real Dale.
4 Flash The Wonder Dog
Dale's TV hero, FLASH, the Wonder Dog, is kidnapped by Fat Cat and his henchmen in a plan to destroy the famous dog's reputation. Fat Cat and his minions dress up in Flash costumes and vandalize the city. Dale convinces the other Rangers to find Rash, and in doing so he discovers that Flash is not the hero that he portrays on TV. Fat Cat makes a final attempt to discredit Flash when he goes to the TV studio in a Flash disguise and attacks Conrad the Cockatoo, Rash's sidekick. With the Rangers' help, the real Rash overcomes his fears and saves the bird and clears his name.
5 Out To Launch
The Rescue Rangers visit the Space Center to watch a launch. After trying out the test equipment in the Astronaut Training Center, Chip and Dale are trapped in a spacesuit and taken aboard the spaceplane which is launched into space. When the astronauts release a satellite into space, the spacesuit is accidentally released also. Gadget designs a rocket fueled with TNT and -- along with Monterey, and Zipper -- flies out into space to save Chip and Dale and hitch a ride home on the Spaceplane. But a meteor hits the Spaceplane and knocks the astronauts unconscious. Chip and Dale, using their astronaut training, manage to land the Spaceplane safely... although the astronauts get the credit.
6 Kiwi's Big Adventure
Deep in the jungle, a tribe of wingless kiwi birds have stolen the Ranger Plane to worship as a god. When the Rescue Rangers steal the plane back, Dale injures his toe. He plays up his small injury for Gadget's attention, which upsets Chip who knows Dale's just faking. When the Ranger plane crashes in the middle of the jungle, the Rangers must carry it back to civilization. Gadget converts it into a boat and they float down the river, narrowly avoiding the open jaws of a crocodile. When Chip takes the other Rangers into the jungle to prove that Dale is faking his injury, they are kidnapped by the Kiwis. Trying to save his friends, Dale gets his bandages tangled in the trees and appears to flying.
7 Adventures In Squirrelsitting
While chasing Fat Cat, who has stolen the famous Maltese Mouse, the Rescue Rangers wreck the tree house home of a squirrel family. Feeling responsible, Gadget suggests that they baby-sit her girls, Tammy and Bink, so Mrs. Squirrel can get her home cleaned up. Tammy develops a major crush on Chip and becomes jealous of Gadget. Chip gets irritated with Tammy and hurts her feelings, calling her "just a kid". To prove herself to him, she and her little sister go to Fat Cat's to retrieve the Maltese Mouse. The Rangers sneak into Fat Cat's to rescue the kids; Chip and Dale dress as SHOWGIRLS to divert attention with a song, "The Fat Cat Stomp" while the others search for the kids.
8 The Pound Of The Baskervilles
When the Ranger Plane crashes into the Baskerville Mansion one rainy night, the Rescue Rangers get caught up in a detective adventure in the style of Chip's fictional hero, Sure-Luck Jones. Roger Baskerville and his sheepdog McDuff are in search for the will that left the mansion to Roger rather than his nasty brother Lord Howie T. Baskerville. Lord Howie treats Roger like a servant and has plans to get rid of McDuff. The Rangers, with the help of McDuff, try to scare Lord Howie out of the mansion so they can search for the will. They find trap doors and secret passages, and eventually find the will, which turns out to have been written by the author of the Sure-Luck Jones' stories.
9 Risky Beesness
Irweena Allen, a lab scientist who wants to be a rock star, has turned a swarm of bees into "Zombees" with a specially designed synthesizer. She then uses the bees to steal musical instruments and take over a rock concert that will launch her to stardom. Zipper falls for the beautiful but spoiled Queen Bee and takes her to the RESCUE RANGERS to help her get her swarm back. Unfortunately, the Queen barely acknowledges Zipper's existence until he saves the day, proving he's worthy of respect even if unsophisticated.
10 Three Men And A Booby
While on a shopping spree, the Rescue Rangers meet a rare booby bird. They learn that the mama booby is searching for her baby booby who has been kidnapped by Humbert Dumpy, a fanatical egg collector. In search for Baby Booby, Mama Booby is captured. In the meantime, the Rangers care for the Baby Booby egg as if it were a real baby. Gadget gets an idea of how to free Mamma Booby, using a super tank disguised as an Easter basket. After the rescue, the Rangers turn up the thermostat in Dumpty's house which hatches all the eggs, thereby ruining his rare egg collection.
11 The Carpetsnaggers
A flying doghouse puts the Rescue Rangers on the trail of Ali Bimbo, also known as Professor Nimnul, who is using flying carpets to burglarize houses. Monty, thinks it's magic, but Gadget believes it's scientific. The Rangers guide a flying mansion in chase through the city streets to capture Nimnul.
12 Bearing Up Baby
While on vacation in the mountains, a cute, little, two-year-old camper, Jeremy, accidentally ends up on a log going downstream and is saved by Humphrey the bear, a classic Disney character. Wrongly assuming Humphrey is a dangerous animal, Dale and the Rescue Rangers try to save Jeremy from the bear, but find Humphrey loves the little toddler. Humphrey agrees to return Jeremy to his parents, but the adults just want to shoot the bear. With the Ranger's help, Humphrey rescues Jeremy from an RV tottering on a cliff edge, and Jeremy's parents realize just how lovable Humphrey is.
13 Rescue Rangers To The Rescue Pt. 01
Chip and Dale are big fans of the police department. So they follow their friend, Plato, an English bulldog, and his master Detective Donald Drake in pursuit of Percy, a crook who had just stolen the Klutchcoin ruby. They retrieve the ruby, but Percy gets away. Back at police headquarters, Drake reveals that the robbery had all the earmarks of a Klordane job, buy supposedly Klordane drowned in the river a year ago. Meanwhile, Klordane (who's very much alive) sends his cat, Fat Cat, into the police station to steal back the ruby and plant evidence (gambling chits and an airline ticket) in Drake's overcoat. The police officers are shocked, so they lock up Drake and Plato.
14 Rescue Rangers To The Rescue Pt. 02
At a Chinatown laundry, Fat Cat buys Juice-Lee, the #1 Siamese fighting fish, from two Siamese cat twins to use in his devious plan of stealing all the fishermen's catch and thus controlling every cat in the city. While pursuing Fat Cat to the docks, Chip and Dale meet Monterey Jack and his insect buddy Zipper. After Fat Cat dumps Monterey's steamer trunk "home" overboard, Monty decides to join Chip 'N Dale's fight against Fat Cat. They foil Fat Cat's plan, when all the fish get knocked out of the cargo ship.
15 Rescue Rangers To The Rescue Pt. 03
Fat Cat rushes to the airport to replace the ruby in Klordane's jewelry case before his master takes off for Glacier Bay. Chip, Dale, Monterey and Zipper need transportation to follow Klordane. Monterey suggests they find Geegaw's daughter, Gadget, who is a quirky and perky young inventor. In her father's absence (he's dead), she offers to fly them to Glacier Bay. After a frantic take off and flight, the plane is damaged when they land at Glacier Bay. Gadget feels bad and offers to fix the plane and get them home. Meanwhile, Chip, Dale, Monterey and Zipper discover that Kiordane is in cahoots with Professor Nimnul, a wacky inventor who uses the ruby to make a powerful laser-cannon.
16 Rescue Rangers To The Rescue Pt. 04
The Rangers take the ruby from the laser cannon in order to clear Drake. But back at the police station, Drake has been kidnapped by Klordane whose plan is to frame Drake for his devious crime. Meanwhile, Nimnul, dressed in disguise as a bag lady, sneaks into the police station and has Fat Cat cause a diversion so he can snatch the ruby back. Fat Cat involves Plato who gets taken to the pound. At the pound, the Rangers meet FRENCHY, a French poodle and his sidekick, K-Sera. Frenchy is the captain of the Pound Underground dedicated to liberating canines. With their help, they spring Plato and are off again in search for Drake.
17 Rescue Rangers To The Rescue Pt. 05
In a subway cavern the Rangers find Klordane and his glacier ice. They discover Klordane's plan is to steal the "Global Gold Reserve" by creating an earth quake, using the vibration of a 10 storey high Jello mold made with the ice. The earthquake cracks the Reserve foundation's, underground train. In order to alert the police to the hidden theft the Rangers start an even bigger earthquake which brings the entire Gold Reserve building crashing down onto the mountain of gelatin. Klordane uses the chaos to escape with his trainload of gold. But the Rangers catch up to Klordane, trash him good, then drive his train up a subway entrance and down a city street.

About this show

When crimes are “too small” for the police to handle, it’s up to the Rescue Rangers detective agency to take the case! With the help of their friends Gadget, Monterey Jack and Zipper, Chip and Dale lead the way and save the day no matter what the danger!

Ratings and reviews

12 reviews
Kanishk Sharma
May 27, 2021
I love Chip and Dale