Don Mitchell
We didn't watch survivor for a reason,we loved Mythbusters, we were recording Mythbusters The Search, but will probably give it one more week and stop watching. If we wanted to see arguments, we would watch junior verses senior bike build off. Most of us have a liking to the science / comedy and can already build or make most the myths, we just want to see it work or BLOW up. We still love the same narrator though. the NEW host has great creds but comes off as a combination of Ty Pennington and Jeff Specoli, we love the idea of new Mythbusters, but this is wrong FORMAT!! Clean up Kyle Hill, add some others and add comedy....should work. Mythbusters operated as 2 teams, different myths, some competed against one another, some worked on different parts of the same myth. you already have fans and a format WHY mess with it. the original hosts had 2 older guys and 3 younger. a Balance some serious and some comic relief. some science and some EXPLOSIONS and Crashes!!!! We wouldn't even be opposed to ANY or some of the previous hosts including Jessi Combs with a mix of new, like Kyle Hill. AS IT STANDS we probably won't be watching
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Art M.
Love Original MYTHBUSTERS as much as others (even a big fan) but now they are gone to better stuff, nothing will replace them. Nice to see the Network trying to keep it going with new people. However, New will NOT REPLACE the ORIGINAL. I agree that many may love this and others will not.
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John Haag
I'm loving this series. Wish it was on Discovery instead of Science channel since I don't get Science Channel, but in any case it's a great show. I'm glad to see them working to bring Mythbusters back. I will always miss Adam and Jamie on the show, but I feel like most of the contestants on this would make a great new mythbusters team and the eliminations have thus far been well thought out and done with a good reason. It will be interesting to see how the series progresses once the winners are determined.
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