Joseph Brown
So far, a great series! It really brings back the memories of that time and the craziness of the whole situation, I was living in Southern California at that time and was glued to the radio during the day at work and watching the recaps at night. Of course I'm sure "accuracy liberties" are being taken for storyline flow, but overall I am impressed by the writing and the actors. I wasn't too sure about some of the actor picks until seeing them in their roles, I think Cuba Gooding was a great pick now. In his portrayal, I can easily 'see' the O.J. that no one saw away from the cameras, the real person falling apart after what he'd done in rage and getting caught doing it! It is just too bad the "perfect storm" of events and mood of the era, the L.A riots and increased (and all these years later, STILL, increased) tensions in regards to the race issue, plus the errors made by many members of the entire prosecution team that let him walk in the end after killing two people. This is one series I'll be buying!
190 people found this review helpful

Janet lee McLaughlin
Describes motives separation issues.abuse issues.physical and Mental types of domestic violence.HOW being jealous of one another leads to aggressive behaviors,verbal abuse and then physical abuse even leading to death. ALL types of motives for Violence in a relationship. Starts low punishment of classes in Anger Managment leading to jail time for any physical violence injuries. Drugs involved/alcohol,addiction & recovery programs court mandated up to 2-yr. Programs, before any contact with outside public.
14 people found this review helpful

M.D. Beltran
My gosh, this series, so far, is in the caliber of a major motion picture. I will not be surprised if it wins an award or two in the near future. The casting is just amazing. The actors portraying Lance Ito, Chris Darden, Marcia Clark, Johnny Cochran, Bob Kardashian and Bob Shapiro have them all down in appearance and subtleties. The only choice I dislike is in using Cuba Gooding, Jr. as Orenthal J. Gooding Jr. is a top-notch actor, but he's not a good choice to portray Simpson.
6 people found this review helpful