Pamla Hughes
I don't know who thought Cuba Gooding was a good idea to play OJ. He is the only one who makes this drama unbelievable. As much as I like Cuba. This was not his role. O J was fine ,smooth, and had swag. LL Cool J is an actor who in my circle would have been a much better fit. Cuba does not even sound like O J. I appreciate how Angela Bassett , Jamie Foxx,and Jennifer Lopez all did their homework and became that person. All I see is Cuba playing somebody. I don't know who...
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Zyra L. F.
The family's already suing and its cruel that they and the other victims have to relive their trauma again (always a problem with murder shows and focus on the killers), though the portrayal of disorganised, overconfident to the detriment of all, stubborn law enforcement is always, unfortunately, welcome. Note her spanish accent (th for s which sounds like lisping) is so unlike an Italian accent and really taints the suspension of reality, much like shorter, lighter what's his name as athlete OJ-who was augmented by a great cast. Annoyed to see the blasting pop songs over dialogue trend continues.
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David Tatkin
Bad, Bad, really Bad acting, casting, script. Every character, except perhaps Jonny Cochran, is totally miscast. John Travolta's role and acting is so bad, I cringe whenever he's on camera. Having watched most of the trial and reading several books on the subject, I still can't stop watching the series because the story is so tragic, yet mesmerizing . Did I say it's a horrible show in every aspect?
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