A Google user
I didn't know what to make of this show when it first started, but it quickly grew on me. It has just the right ingredients for a well rounded show, and I really have come to enjoy it a lot.

amelia samuel
it's hilarious, jokes are sometimes subtle, sometimes very in your face like this one: Bob(talking about a sick Louise): How are you so sick but still so strong!? Gene : LIKE THE ECONOMY!!! SO FUNNY, its fun to watch when it's simply on in the background, or just to have a good laugh, or simply to relax and zone out. I love that they are very relatable and each character is unique. The different jokes in the opening credits are great too! the store next door is always different and so is the pest control van. Love the voice actors too, they do a great job.

Gareth Schultz
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Well-written, smart humor, yet it's simplicity is charming. It's about a family that doesn't really need their world to be bigger than their home. Have to give the writers some serious credit - they don't go topical or political, and there's no name-dropping. Everything that exists here came from the minds of the writers. I *really* appreciate that. Scratches that "escapism" itch nicely.