A Google user
Incredible. How the world could grow up overnight if everyone on the planet could watch, and even better, understand it. Many have been programmed which makes it difficult for them to read, follow, and accept such an important work = the truth. Mr. Stone's work ethic, as well as Putin's makes me cry. I cried a lot through it. Also, the maturity and intelligence, from both men, will assist humanity in saving this planet from the dark forces. Thank you for your hard work gentlemen!

соня мур
I have not in the past been a fan of Oliver Stone's cinematography, but could not resist the opportunity to watch an in depth interview with Putin, a man vilified by my native country as it seeks unopposed global domination. Thankfully, there is a nation that has taken a stand against American imperialism, thanks to its president, Vladimir Putin. Stone's work highlights the calm, yet immovable demeanor of Russia's leader, his prescience and reasonableness, as opposed to the virulent, emotional, and jingoistic rhetoric of most American politicians. A hearty thanks to Mr. Stone for producing this series, which every American should watch.
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Kman Mana
It is always good to see the other side of the story. We should thank Mr. Putin for offering the time for the interviews. Oliver Stone is just wonderful here. I would love to hear Mr. Putins response to the stuff that has happened during and after the new election. However I would think it wise not to comment.