I have to state this observation. I love this show, and always have. It's not the show per se. What I have observed in EVERY movie or television show , that has a conspiracy theorist or theorists , is that they portrayed as oddball or derelict , extreme, on the fringe, anti social , paranoid. The message is clear to me. Only stupid people would believe ANY conspiracy theory. I guarantee you will NEVER see a documentary on television or mainstream movie doc that is NOT bias in it's presentation when in comes to considering how 3 buildings ; 2 of which are skyscrapers; fell in their own footprint . Demolition experts have been doing it wrong. They have to take MONTHS to drop an empty 10 story building in it's own footprint. So the force with which the twin buildings were hit , had absolutely NO FACTOR in altering their even falling patterns. What I insinuate is so scary of an thought, that most of us push that thought away because simultaneously from another angle our minds BEGIN to consider it's implications. THAT is something NOBODY wants to believe is anything other than what the mainstream media and good little citizens say it is. YEAH. CRAZY. That's what it is.
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William Crawford
I have been a long-time fan of this show and I continue to watch every episode. It it always astounds me as they come up with brand new ideas and twists and turns. I wasn't always happy with the character changes they made especially Hotchner who seem to take all the heat but also guided the BAU with most professional Talent of all. Morgan his interaction with Penelope was really nice but he was almost too macho for the rest of the characters. Jennifer Love Hewitt, that was a waste of a season she didn't add anything to her character. But as far as the other changes on the show they kind of fell in line. I really like what happened as it went a long it kind of spread itself out well amongst the new characters. But it was nice to see that Gubler got his prison term over and is back interacting. Now we just see need to see his love interest bloom again and things will get back on track. I love the show and I never miss an episode. Let's keep it rolling like it is, a great crime series.
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A Google user
these storys leave me crying at alot of them like whem spentes dyes and reed didint know but jj and when reed found out i cryed cus he took it hard when Emaly dead .or when reed was in jail what the team did foe speaily eamiy its a failmy thats what make the showso great its a family bringing the bad people to justuse.I would love to see hogg come back🌝holla p❤🎊🎉