Kat Maquade
This heart wrenching saga transcends race, age, creed, gender, and any other socioeconomic genre-defining characteristic. It's timeless treasure that must be passed on to future generations so they may learn love, tolerance, and acceptance for their fellow man and not repeat the mistakes of those who came before them. I look forward to one day sharing this with my own children, as my parents did with me. Thank you, Alex Haley, for your compelling and eye opening novel that inspired this incredible series.

Dem Bonz
Weather accurate in all details or not, This is a wonderful story and well written. I traveled to the location of Forks of the crypus plantation near Florence Alabama, and felt the spirits of so many involved. I SO admired Queen.

Tyreke Jenkins
I want to thank Alex Haley for making this movie to show us black people what are ancestors went through and I and some other people would have enjoyed some probably didnt .I have to admit it, it was a hard movie to watch and some people probably hate white people now but u have to forgive u can hate what they done but dont hate them for their skin color for those of u that are raisist. And I thought that was really caring of Alex Haley. He made up his mind and went to show the world what he had done.