Deola Adegbenro
The storyline is so well told and all the actors are great. It's a real depiction of real life family, relationships, parenthood, childhood. Basically the ups and downs and then beautiful times that make it all worth it. In the end of season 6, Zeek died and that was really sad but it's how real life works, people get old and die, even if we love them, it really is what it is.

Barbara Stephens
pulls the heartstrings as if real life and love and families would and hits four and five generations of family and good acting good storyline believable. It makes you cry and it warms your heart to get you caught up you gotta see the next one every time and I don't like soap operas it's not one of those

Sandi Jones
Wonderful moving show. Amazing all around. Suggest it to anyone with a family or even having a family isn't an issue trust me. I'm not easily moved. I'm a widow..single mom of four , it's Inspirational. Ray Ramano in later seasons will blow you away with his serious believable acting of such a complex award.He is not just a comedian or Ray from Everonelovesray....Deserves an award the performance warrants one