Nessa P.
I get that no show is perfect but GA is horrible. I have tried several times to watch it and like it, but can't. Other shows out there try their hardest to debunk hauntings, but these guys seem to ALWAYS "find" proof that the places they visit are haunted. Not to mention they always act like it's the first time they're having these "experiences", which in turn makes them look like idiotic frat boys. And don't get me wrong, they're probably really nice guys irl but on the show.... 🙄🙄🙄

Michael Rossi
This show has gone from the leader in paranormal shows, exploring cool historical sites, to a show with over-exaggerated everything. Flirts with exposing tragedy for ratings. Zac has somehow become psychic and if there is no physical evidence to show, EVERY TIME, without fail, he has a complete mental breakdown caused by the spirits energy which "we at home can't feel". Often times trying to fight a crew member. Oh and apparently Jay has gone from "tech guy" to the world's leading occult expert

Denis Mulligan
These guys are clowns! I used to watch them when they first came on and I was really intrigued by them. but since The Dead Files - no more! For example, they both went to the same plantation in Jamaica. GA bought the whole legend, hook, line & sinker even down to the grave of Amy Parmer. However when DF went there, Steve DiShavi did a background check into the history of everything. Solid historical documentation disputed the entire legend, even to the point of showing where the ladies were actually buried.
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