Ashley Harris
My mother is friends with the mother and father of Danielle, the girl that Dona let die. Her episode is so twisted and depicts nothing but lies from a selfish twit. Danielle asked multiple times for you to call her mom, she even said "please don't let me die". You wouldn't let anyone call for help, you are responsible. Stop trying to play the victim, you got off easy and got to live your life while Danielle DIED. #FriendsDontLetFriendsDie

Hayley Chritton
I'm sorry, but this show just glorifies how big of an idiot you are. Not only did you drive drunk once, but TWICE in this episode/life. AND LOOK WHERE IT GOT YOU. I don't wish that you learned something, because our generation has been learning this since 1993........ (and you're....... dead)...., but I hope that you relish in your misbehavior everyday....wherever that may be...
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Lindsey Prawat
What an empowering show. I commend these brave men and woman for sharing these stories. They have each taken responsibility and go further by educating others so it doesn't happen again. You can see the pain that they feel and you know these were just horrible accidents or mistakes, something we've all done ourselves. Maybe not to that extreme, but enough to know that we are all human. I pray that the victims families find peace and know that their loved one didn't die in vain. Its just a sad situation and I hope that there is some kind of peace for all involved.