James Sorenson
Awesome show, but don't buy it from Google. Google posts new episodes anywhere from 2 to 9 days later than Amazon and Vudu. Today, we wait for episode 7 on Saturday, 23-Jan. Vudu posted it on the 21st. Amazon posted it on the 20th. Google apparently thinks this service is still in beta, so buyer beware.

Byron Anderson
Love the show but Google TV is a joke uploading the episodes. Episode 4 comes out in 3 days and they still don't have the 3rd episode uploaded. Discovery find a better partner that cares about your product. Show is 5 stars Google TV as the provider 1 star for a 3 star average

Dc Dc
If you love this then you should try the hexbug battlebots!! They are just like the real bots with tombstone, minator, beta, witch doctor, and more with even a build it yourself version!! All remote control!! Me and my siblings love them!