The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet

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Season 8 episodes (32)

1 The Sea Captain
Ozzie's sea captain college friend invites Dave to join him on a round-the-world cruise.
2 Ozzie The Host
Ozzie suggests that he take charge of a party at the Nelson house and Harriet not do any work.
3 The Law Clerk
David applies for a law clerk job and worries his family's encounters with the firm will hurt him.
4 Who Needs Girls?
Rick and his fraternity brothers go to the lake fishing instead of attending the school dance.
5 The Rancher's Daughter
Drama occurs when the father of a girl David is dating invites Ozzie and pals fishing at his ranch.
6 The Nelsons Decide To Move
With David and Rick growing up, Ozzie and Harriet look into selling the old family house.
7 David The Sleuth
David tries to prove his law firm was defrauded when he spies a plaintiff at the bowling alley.
8 The Gas Station
Harriet, Clara and the women's club take over a gas station for a weekend to raise money for charity.
9 Fathers Night At The Fraternity House
The fraternity brothers are short of swimming pool funds so they put the squeeze on their fathers.
10 Happy Anniversary
Harriet and Ozzie both make plans to surprise the other on their anniversary.
11 Rick Gets Even
A beautiful girl breaks a dance date with Rick.
12 An Interest For Harriet
Ozzie feels guilty, thinking that Harriet doesn't take time for interests outside the family.
13 Ozzie Keeps A Secret
The parents of a girl Rick is dating ask Ozzie and Harriet to help plan a surprise birthday party.
14 David's Car Payments
David panics when he gets a delinquet car payment letter and his car could be repossessed
15 The Circus
David's boss instructs him to serve a summons to the father of a girl he's interested in dating.
16 Rick's English Literature Class
The local Women's Club needs a guest speaker and Ozzie is nominated.
17 The Lockout
If David and Rick don't return their dates to the dorm by eleven o'clock, they will be locked out.
18 The Uninvited Guests
Ozzie and Harriet play host to visiting friends of casual acquaintances met on summer vacation.
19 A Trap For Ricky
David fears Rick is interested in his girlfriend so he gives Rick competition for another girl.
20 An Interesting Evening
Ozzie and Harriet feel inferior after they get to know an interesting new couple in town.
21 Dave Goofs Off
David nervously tries to make a good impression on his law firm's senior partner who has returned.
22 The Magic Dishes
Mystifying events occur after Ozzie and his friends make fun of a romantic story.
23 The Professor's Experiment
To get out of going to a dance, Rick volunteers for a chemistry experiment the same night.
24 The T-Shirts
When the men's club founder returns to town, Ozzie and the members decide to do something special.
25 The Missing Husband
Ozzie thinks Harriet is having dinner downtown but friends show up unexpectedly at their home.
26 Bad Day At Blueberry Rock
Ozzie is determined to ride his rented bicycle all the way uphill to Blueberry Rock.
27 David & The School Teacher
David strikes up a relationship with a childhood classmate who is now a lovely school teacher
28 Big Plans For The Summer
Rick, Wally, and Zeke search for summer jobs.
29 The Forgotten Promise
Ozzie and Joe try to get out of a promise to attend an upcoming lecture with their wives.
30 Painting The Sorority House
Rick and his fraternity brothers get roped into painting their girlfriends' sorority house.
31 No News For Harriet
After hearing neighborhood gossip from others, Harriet asks Ozzie to keep her more informed.
32 A Weekend Vacation
Complications arise when Ozzie and Harriet make plans to go to the lake lodge for the weekend.

About this show

Ozzie and Harriet Nelson raise their two sons Ricky and David. As the sons age, they experience teenage dating problems, marriage and careers.

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