Another false advertisement. Nothing at all like the ad. Please don't give them the attention they seek. We need to stop playing these games where they use false ads. The ad shows a big wall with pieces that drop down. This is literally nothing like that. It's incredibly boring like the other 100 games out there, just.like.it! Uninstalling like I did all the others. Scammers!!
124 people found this review helpful
Mike Perrett
Don't you just hate it when you see a cool advert for a game, but when you download it, it's nothing like the advert that attracted you. This is one of those games, the video showed a pretty cool Tetris clone with the added aspect of unused blocks falling through to the lines below. But, in reality, this game is nowhere close to being that good. Uninspiring, Unchalllenging, UNINSTALLING!
240 people found this review helpful
It looks like this is an ongoing issue for the past several months, and the reply is always "we'll tell the developers so they can fix it". The problem that is taking eons to fix is that the screen freezes up mid-game. I'm not a developer, so maybe this is a hard fix, but I can use dozens of other extremely similar games that don't have this issue instead of waiting for them to solve the problem.
59 people found this review helpful