Parchisi - Classic Board Game

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Bu oyun haqqında

"Play the classic Parchisi ( Ludo) board Game on your Android device! Roll the dice, race your tokens, and aim for victory in this timeless family & friends favorite."

Parchis ( ludo ) is the classic south asian board game play between school kids, family and friends. Parchis (ludo) originated in south asia as part of indoor dice board games. Parchis (ludo) is a offline multiplayer board dice game, served to you to taste the classic Parchis ( ludo ) taste with your friends and family. with high quality 3D graphics, Ai bot like human, enjoy smooth and connatural Parchis ( ludo ) board game experience.

* Parchis is Offline Multiplayer board game
* Completely free
* Play 2 to 4 player with local mode
* Play against the Real Ai Bot
* Beautiful Sleek and Modern user interface
* multiple dice, board & Gotti/tokens skins
* Simple and easy rules with customize options
* No internet required to go local multiplayer
* Play with your friends & family without internet
* Less app Size
* Classic look & the taste of a real Parchis (ludo) board game

Parchis ( Ludo ) classic is a game that combines luck with strategic decision-making. Enjoy the game as you race your Gotti/tokens to the home area while navigating around the board and competing against your opponents!
The player who is first to bring their all four token to the center {Home} of the board is the winner.
Güncəlləmə vaxtı
27 dek 2023

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1,19K rəy


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Developer haqqında
Nabin Sapkota
Ward No - 30, Kantipath, Kathmandu, Nepal Kathmandu 44600 Nepal

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