Tally Prime and Tally ERP 9

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Tally Prime and Tally ERP 9 Training with GST Tutorial
This Tally Prime and Tally ERP 9 Training with Financial Accounts and GST is developed for all people of world those who are interseted in tally managment and created by Jaisana Team teacher and Developer. This app provide great knowledge in Tally Prime and Tally Erp 9 and Financial Accounts .
What Is Tally Prime
TallyPrime Software is mainly used for financial statements, vouchers and taxation in many industries worldwide and has specialised packages for retail businesses. More advanced capabilities are found in its Enterprise resource planning package (ERP).
In This App We are Covered Below Tally Prime Topics
Kindly find below the differences as per your request.
Till Tally.ERP 9, the keyboard was a preferred way of using Tally, but Tally Prime will change this perception as most functions can easily be accessed using the mouse, which also improves the efficiency of the software.
Categorization Of Data
Details have been categorized into basic and advanced thus the screen appears less crowded and pleasant for the user.
Chart of Accounts:
Option of ‘Chart of Accounts’ this allows you to access all your masters including groups, ledgers, voucher types, cost centres, etc can be accessed from one screen. In Tally.ERP 9 user had to make minimum 3 clicks to open each of these.
Change Mode’:
In sales voucher or any other voucher, the Change Mode gives you three options namely – Item Invoice, Accounting invoice and As invoice. In Tally.ERP 9 these options were available in 3 different places, and hence navigation is now easier.
‘Go To’ Search Bar
The ‘Go To’ search bar allows you to go wherever you want in Tally without searching for it in every drop-down menu on your screen. Navigate through 90% of Tally with ‘Go To’ option. Open Outstanding details using the ‘go to’ option from any voucher screen.
Optimize Invoice
When a user printed invoices with many items, in Tally.ERP 9, the invoices had to be printed in many pages as the invoice had an unused blank space at the bottom which was not needed. In Tally Prime, you can ‘optimise printing to save paper
Search any report using the ‘Go to’ option. This feature helps when you’re not sure where a report is and can be used by any person who is not familiar with Tally.
Reports For Owners/Switch Between Reports
Easily switch between reports using the ‘Go To’ option. View active/inactive reports. Get an option for ‘Change View.
GSTR 1: In GSTR 1, go to Exemption reports, you get an option for ‘Accepted as valid’ – Vouchers accepted with original values and Vouchers accepted without party GSTN/UIN validation. These reports allow you to cross-check your GSTR1 data.
Tally Installation Simplified
On clicking the Tally setup file, Tally will automatically check where the old setup is (If you have one). If you want to update it or create a new folder, Tally will detect the old file and capture its data path, data, TDL and new instance will be made with the old data path. Message Bar With Details In The Bottom Of The Screen
In Tally.ERP 9, there was a message bar at the bottom of the screen, which occupied a lot of screen space. In Tally Prime, you can access these details from the Help Menu – Troubleshooting – Event Log.
TDL Configuration Simplified
You can check, install and manage TDLs from The Help menu – TDL & Addon. Thus the process is simplified.
In This App We are Covered Below Tally ERP 9 Topics
Tally Tutorial
Features of Tally
Download Tally
Start TallyScreen Components
Tally Configuration
Accounting Features
Inventory Features
Statutory & Taxation
Accounting Master
Create Company
Alter, Delete, Shut Company
Tally GroupsTally
Create Group
Create Single Ledger
Create Multiple Ledgers
Create Cost Centre
Oxirgi yangilanish
31-mar, 2022

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