Oojao multi layer photo editor

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Enjoy the fun and creative possibilities with this simple and easy to use app. Photo magic at your fingertips. Personalize your images, create funny composites from your photo gallery, fool your friends, apply many amazing effects!

This app is ad-supported to keep it free, but ads are not annoying and can be quickly closed or temporarily turned off in Settings. And there are no ads while editing!

Oojao photo editor is an easy to use app for editing your photographs. Quickly apply filters, adjust color, add hats, masks and frames, draw by hand or write with special fonts, edit pictures taken with your camera, and many more. If you make a mistake don't worry, you can quickly undo them. Once your photo is done, save it to your gallery or SD card, share it with friends or set it as your wallpaper.

It has support for multiple projects, multiple layers and editing history. You can do canvas or layer manipulation such as resize, crop, brush drawing, erase, draw shapes, bucket fill, select, copy, paste, delete, move, align, rotate, flip and more. Adjust brightness, contrast and saturation with filters or apply effects such as sharpen, blur or bump, just to name a few.

Features include
* Adjusting color is easy, with professional results
* Apply effects, with dozen to choose from in many categories
* Easy rotation, crop or resize of photos
* Draw text by hand or with special fonts
* Intuitive editing using touch and pinch-to-zoom interface
* Save your final result to your gallery, as wallpaper, or on your SD card
* Editing history and action lists
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-avg, 2024

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Constantin Ciprian Stanescu
Iuliu Maniu nr. 170A bl. H, ap. 150 061121 București Romania

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