Brain Test 4: Tricky Friends

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153 ming ta sharh
10 mln+
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➤Brain Test 4 brings a cast of new characters, new customization mechanics, and the most importantly all-new brain teasers. We are going 'back-to-basics' to refresh the original Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles formula with a huge dose of trickiness. Brain Test is an addictive free tricky brain puzzle game with a series of tricky brain teasers for a relaxing brain out. These offline mind games, brain games, IQ tests, thinking games and puzzle games are perfect for those who love a good brain workout.

➤Different riddles and tricky tests will challenge your mind, making it a great choice for brain teaser game enthusiasts by playing brain training games for a relaxing brain out. Brain Test 4 is one of the fun offline puzzle brain games from the makers of Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles, Brain Test 2: Tricky Stories and Brain Test 3: Tricky Quests and Who Is? Brain Teaser & Riddles. Brain Test 5 is coming in the following months! Brain Games for Adults and no wifi games are solving games for your brain.

➤Brain Test 4 is catered for the Brain Test veterans who are looking for challenging tricky puzzles to solve. If you're a fan of free brain games and mind games that really make you think, this puzzle brain game for you. Nothing is as it seems and everything is there to trick your brain. But the game provides a robust hint system to help you along the way. Get ready for a challenging, but enjoyable and accessible experience. Each level is a brain teaser games arena, inviting you to brain it on with a series of brain puzzles and thinking games. Find out if this offline puzzle game is an easy game!

➤With their colorful cast of members such as Tricky Lily and Astrodog, Brain Test 4's Tricky Club awaits you to solve the trickiest puzzles of all time. It's a fun and engaging way to test your IQ and brain puzzle-solving skills. Time to sharpen your wits and expand your mind! Brain teaser games like these are perfect for mental exercise, and you can play the best games offline. This puzzle brain game is a new game and an offline game. Also one of the best games in the world.

➤You can enjoy yourself with your friends with this addictive and funny free IQ game. Think out of the box, crack the puzzles and get ready to take the quiz! You will enjoy this funny tricky test. Brain games and iq games are for improving the brain. You can play the best games offline. When you need to brain out for a while, this game is just for you!

➤➤Brain Test enthusiasts! Brain Test 5 is on the way! Keep following us!

● Tricky & Mind-blowing brain teasers.
● Surprising riddles to learn if you find this offline game as an easy game.
● Unexpected solutions for offline puzzle games.
● Tricky Club system with unlockable characters in this no wifi games and solving games.
● Character and Environment customization options.
● Fan-favorite Brain Test art style with animated characters.
● Dozens of levels and constant new level updates and free brain games.
● Humorous dialogues and exciting stories.
● Family friendly gameplay. Safe content for all ages.
● Can be played with one hand.
● Can be played offline and without internet.
● One of the best free games. Puzzle Brain games for adults, puzzle games and new games.
● Free mind games, smart games.
● Completely free to download and free to play. Test your brain.
● Play without the internet. Free offline game.
Oxirgi yangilanish
28-avg, 2024

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Zor 1,2,3,4 best games
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O'yinimiz sizga yoqqanidan juda xursandmiz! Sizning sharhlaringiz va takliflaringiz juda qadrlanadi, chunki biz o'yinimizni siz uchun yanada qiziqarli qilish niyatidamiz.
Sabina Abdinazarova
19-may, 2024
Super good game
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Grateful for the 5-star rating!
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𝒚𝒂𝒙𝒔𝒉𝒊 𝒐𝒚𝒊𝒏 𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒏
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Nima yangiliklar

Bug fixes for some levels.