Idle Burger - Shop Tycoon

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Welcome to Idle Burger - Shop Tycoon, the ultimate burger-flipping idle game! Get ready to embark on a deliciously addictive adventure that will turn you into a super burger shop owner.

In Idle Burger - Shop Tycoon, you'll step into the shoes of an aspiring burger entrepreneur with big dreams and an even bigger appetite for success. Your mission? To build a burger empire that will have customers drooling for more!

Start by setting up your small shop, serve the customer, and make them feel at home. But don't get too comfortable, because the burger business is fast-paced and fiercely competitive. As you progress, you'll face an array of challenges that will put your management skills to the test. Expand your empire by opening new branches in different locations, each with its own unique set of customers and demands. Upgrade your kitchen equipment, unlock secret recipes, hire more staff, challenge your management skill, and customize your burger shop with eye-catching decorations to attract even more hungry customers.

⭐️ Game Features ⭐️
• Simple gameplay. Easy to get started!
• Satisfying 3D art. Free ASMR music for your soul.
• Grow your HR skills by HIRING employees and UPGRADING their skills.
• Unlimited Expansion!

Idle Burger - Shop Tycoon is not just a cooking idle game. It's also about making strategic decisions, optimizing your workflow, and keeping your customers satisfied. Be prepared to tackle rush hours, handle difficult customers, and juggle multiple tasks at once. Can you handle the heat of the grill and build a burger dynasty that stands the test of time?

So, put on your chef's hat, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to flip patties in Idle Burger - Shop Tycoon. It's time to build the burger empire of your dreams, one juicy bite at a time. Get ready for a burgerlicious adventure that will leave you craving for more!
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-noy, 2023

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