Currency converter

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Sobre l'aplicació

The XE Currency Converter is a money converter app where you can see currency exchange rates into different foreign currencies with live money exchange rates. The main aim of this easy Currency Converter money changer app is that this forex calculator tells you the online current currency rates. Whenever you are on a trip, you can convert currency with this money converter and currency exchange rates calculator.

You can use this forex calculator XE currency converter to convert dollars to INR as well as the dollar to Rand with a single click. You can use this world currency converter money exchange app for business purposes too.

This all Currency Converter offline app is so simple to use. Enter the value, select the desired currency, and get your converted currency rate with this forex calculator money exchange app. You can choose and add up to 15 currencies that are visible on the main screen using this easy currency converter offline. You can also check currency rates between different currencies by using this forex calculator money changer app.

How to use the Money Converter and Exchange Rate Currency App:

Open the money changer foreign currency exchange app.
Home: Select your desired currency and convert it with this money conversion currency changer app.
Convert cryptocurrency value as well
You can add up to 15 currencies to the rate list in this currency changer application.
At the exchange rate first, add your favorite currency to the list.
The exchange rate shows you all the currencies in the table form.
Favorite: Select the currency from the top and compare the rate with other currencies.
State: You can check the currency graph between two currencies.
Settings: Easily updated by default or you can do customized updates.
Update Frequency: In this option, you can set a time to update the currency.
Default Page: You can set the default page if you want.

The key features of all currency converter & Money Converter Exchange rates money app:

The Convert currency money conversion app is easy to use.
Built-in all currency converter calculator
Convert up to 15 currencies at once with this currency app.
Rate list: filter out currency changers.
Live Exchange rates-Select 5 languages & do an easy analysis
Stats: View currency history in a graph with the date and day.
Auto-Update current currency rates money app.
Set customize: Update Frequency
Customize-set: the default page in this currency exchange rates app

The carry and support currencies of the Foreign Exchange Calculator include the dollar euro franc krona krone leu peso pound rial riyal ruble rupee som won yen zloty Yuan Malaysian ringgit and USD to INR or virtual currency Bitcoin. You can access live and historical information about gold (XAU) and silver prices (XAG).

Note: If you like our Foreign Exchange Calculator, keep using the money app and give your feedback in the review section. For more suggestions related to the currency changer foreign exchange rate app, contact us or mail us. We will be happy to add new features to our money exchange currency app.

Use the XE Currency Converter App as a calculator and keep yourself updated with exchange rates and values.
Data d'actualització:
12 d’oct. 2023

Seguretat de les dades

La seguretat comença en entendre com els desenvolupadors recullen i comparteixen les teves dades. Les pràctiques de privadesa i seguretat de les dades poden variar segons l'ús que es fa de l'aplicació, la regió i l'edat. El desenvolupador ha proporcionat aquesta informació i és possible que l'actualitzi al llarg del temps.
No es comparteixen dades amb tercers
Més informació sobre com els desenvolupadors declaren la compartició de dades
No es recullen dades
Més informació sobre com els desenvolupadors declaren la recollida de dades


Improved Performance
Multi currency converter
Currency calculator
Exchange rate converter