Dynamic Islands

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Om denne app

Based on the iPhone 14 pro dynamic island, the IOS Dynamic Notch is designed to reveal useful information, such as when the device is charged, receiving incoming calls, etc. As the music plays, it reveals a small thumbnail of the album artwork and more.

Through the animations on the screen, the cutout seems to expand and contract depending on the information displayed.

- ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE to display dynamic view.
- BLUETOOTH_CONNECT to detect BT earphone inserted.
- READ_NOTIFICATION to show media control or notifications on

To contact us and get support websosyal1@gmail.com you can send an email to his address.
15. nov. 2022


For at du kan beskytte dine data, er det vigtigt at sætte sig ind i, hvordan udviklere indsamler og deler disse data. Databeskyttelses- og sikkerhedsprocedurer kan variere afhængigt af din brug, din region og din alder. Udvikleren har leveret disse oplysninger og kan løbende opdatere dem.
Denne app deler muligvis disse datatyper med tredjeparter
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Denne app indsamler muligvis disse datatyper
Enheds-id eller andre id'er
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