Now in the Mountrash application Mountrashlovers can send messages via WA to the nearest Collecting Partner (MP) / Garbage Bank (MBS) for an appointment to be picked up / delivered to the used used packaging that you want to recycle to Mountrash to save nature from environmental pollution and global warming.
Mountrash also invites trashpreuner to use the Market Recycle Feature as an application for selling / buying special products from used packaging raw materials as a result of creativity that can inspire many people to reuse it, besides having an impact on reducing waste generation, it can also be an economic circular.
Mountrash will continue to work smartly and collaborate with all stakeholders to find solutions to reduce waste generation in Indonesia (Reduce). Therefore we are very grateful if you can provide suggestions and input to the email: and WA 0811-9525-679
Greetings Clean Definitely Lucky
Mountrash admin