Jhay Villanueva
Doesn't work! Choose photo function on any part of the app, especially on the renewal, doesn't work. You will have to use the Open Camera function. Of course, since it's hard to read a photo capture document, you will be stuck in the reupload infinite loop. Even if you upload the document, they will both send a different email: approve and fail. Civil status and gender are also not on the update tab, so it is blank. No clear list/guidelines of required documents. Does it need to be english? NONE
63 people found this review helpful
Babs_ Prado
Hi OWWA, your app required an upgrade. Though i was able to get through the payment, i am unable to update my personal information after many attempts. It keeps 'loading' and even after an hour nothing happens and got stuck. Please fix it.
21 people found this review helpful
Nicolas Buenaventura
When I try to update my personal information and when it comes to select a region there is no region IV-B. I try everything I could, but still failed to edit the region. The other problem also is when I use the application, my owwa membership is inactive, I try to send an email to your support service and they told me that my owwa membership is active and updated in the system. There is something wrong with this application.
28 people found this review helpful