NF Juara - The Most Affordable UTBK Tryout Application in Indonesia.
Online tutoring with a structured curriculum, hundreds of thousands of question banks, thousands of study videos, and dozens of Super Intensive Tryouts so that you are more prepared and stable in facing the 2025 UTBK SNBT and Independent Exams!
Super Intensive TryoutTryout PAT, PAS, UTBK SNBT, and Independent Exams with high quality questions equipped with a high accuracy assessment system, as well as university and department recommendations.
Rationalization of SNBPCheck the chances of passing the SNBP for your dream major and campus accurately and in real-time with SNBP Rationalization.
500,000++ Question BankPractice unlimited variations of questions per subject accompanied by discussions that are easy to understand and make you automatically understand.
11,000++ Learning VideosLearning is even more exciting with the best teachers through interactive videos for all lessons.
Instant TryoutThe solution for those of you who want to do a tryout in a shorter but still optimal time!
ConsulConsult until you understand! You can discuss and ask any questions with experienced NF teachers.
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