PayPlus is a digital solution for making mobile bulk recharge, business operation, bill payments, E-ticketing etc.
Mobile Recharge & Bulk Recharge
Recharge mobile balance or pay postpaid mobile bills for all major mobile operators. You can select amount shortcuts and exclusive offers as well for below operators:
• Grameenphone
• Robi
• Airtel
• Banglalink
• Teletalk
Bill payment :
Make instant payments for your monthly utility bills like electricity, gas, internet, water, and other services.
Daily Report :
Exert greater control over your mobile wallet by accessing your daily report.
E-Ticketing :
Buy your online tickets easily for bus, train, launch, air, movie without any hassle.
Ad Balance :
You can add you balance by mobile banking or bank.
Business inventory and accounts :
You can manage your business inventory and accounts as like due , loan, sell , buy etc