T Fer (Tina)
It has adopted the same errors as it's base API (Google Maps API) has made such as giving the Gulf of Mexico the incorrect name, but I won't hold that against this app; some of the other bigger map sites/apps such as Bing Maps and Apple Maps have also changed their maps to have these errors, so it would've been difficult to avoid this.
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it works well mostly. I've added a lot of bathrooms around me since there's not many. might not be helpful for you if you don't live in a highly populated area. There needs to be an option to mark a address as wrong because there's no way you can get rid of the wrong address once you submit it, even if you edit it. like I put a McDonald's address as it's listed on Google maps but it was inaccurate so now it says there's a McDonald's where there isn't one. Plus can't send feedback, it's broken.
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Fern Moreno
Great intention and good focus in mind! This app and its developers just need more support to allocate more resources to this powerful and important tool! Would recommend a photo attachment feature as well as a form of time record/'last updated' feature! Highly recommend to a friend in need! Big picture change would be to stop using street addresses and just simple GPS as not all restooms have addresses, and/or a huge building (should and) could have multiple gender inclusive restrooms.
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