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Rakenduse teave

With Nubimetrics mobile follow the metrics of your business anytime, anywhere, streamline decision-making and act quickly. Monitor total daily sales by billing, quantity and units; control your visits, reputation, claims, response times, and much more!

What can you do with Nubimetrics mobile?

Sign in with your current Nubimetrics credentials.
Set the language you want (Spanish - Portuguese - English).
Use the full version to work from your device's browser.
Receive automatic notifications.
Choose any of its official stores.
Check the main daily metrics of your business.
Check the total sales of the day (in values, quantities and units sold).
Sales conversion tracking.
Know the total visits of the current month.
Know the current reputation.
Know the average delinquency percentage of the last 3 months.
Find out the average loss percentage for the last 3 months.
Know the average response time of the last 14 days.
Know the number of current pending questions.

Learn more features in our web version:
Visit our page:
20. mai 2024

Andmete ohutus

Ohutus algab sellest, et mõistaksite, kuidas arendajad teie andmeid koguvad ja jagavad. Andmete privaatsuse ja turvalisuse tavad võivad olenevalt kasutamisest, piirkonnast ja vanusest erineda. Selle teabe esitas arendaja ja seda võidakse aja jooksul värskendada.
Kolmandate osapooltega ei jagata andmeid
Lisateave selle kohta, kuidas arendajad andmete jagamisest teada annavad
Andmeid ei koguta
Lisateave selle kohta, kuidas arendajad andmete kogumisest teada annavad

Mis on uut?

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