Econia - earn NFT, P2E game

Aplikazioko erosketak
842 iritzi
Edukiaren sailkapena
Adin guztietarako

Joko honi buruz

Earn crypto by completing tasks in our P2E game!

Build new neighborhoods, craft resources and unique NTF buildings that you can sell to other players.

1️⃣ Participate in competitions!
Once a week we hold a competition between players where you can earn our NEUTRONIUM token, exchange it or sell it on the market!

2️⃣ NFT quarters
Build and upgrade unique NFT quarters by leveling up their stats. These premium quarters, unlike basic ones, can be upgraded and their characteristics can be increased. Players can buy NFT quarters, upgrade them, and resell them to generate an additional profit.

3️⃣ Cooperation with the community
Communicate with other players and build a unique production, raising your value. The expansive world we created will draw in a whole new segment of players and introduce them to P2E gaming.

4️⃣ Market
Buy or sell tokens and NFT quarters on the public market.

5️⃣ Crypto Tokens
Earn our NEUTRONIUM and ECON crypto tokens in gaming activities! Sell ​​or buy them on the public market or build unique NFT quarters to increase your capital.

Neutronium (NEUT) acts as a native token and has unlimited emission. NEUT can be earned in-game as a reward for competitions and then withdrawn to a wallet in the market.

ECON is a token with limited emission that is used as a governance token. This token is often used in out-of-game activities to pay for all transactions on the blockchain.

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Azken eguneratzea
2023(e)ko urr. 24(a)

Datuen babesa

Seguru egoteko, funtsezkoa da jakitea garatzaileek nola biltzen eta partekatzen dituzten zuri buruzko datuak. Baliteke datuen pribatutasunaren eta segurtasunaren inguruko jardunbideak aplikazioaren erabileraren, lurraldearen eta adinaren araberakoak izatea. Informazio hori garatzaileak eman du, eta baliteke aurrerago eguneratzea.
Ez da daturik partekatzen hirugarrenekin
Lortu informazio gehiago garatzaileek partekatutako datuak aitortzeko duten moduari buruz
Baliteke aplikazioak datu mota hauek biltzea:
Kokapena, Aplikazioetako jarduerak eta beste 2
Datuak bidaltze-prozesuan enkriptatzen dira
Datuak ezabatzeko eska dezakezu

Balorazioak eta iritziak

818 iritzi


Giant update:
- The Great Vipe!
- Rebalance of all quarters and orders
- New territories now need to be cleared, and then quarters built on them!
- New beautiful game lobby!
- Juicy game interface 

And there is much, much more beauty that you can experience for yourself!