Rope hero in Miami gangster

آگهی داردخریدهای درون برنامه‌ای
+۵ هزار
رده‌بندی محتوا

درباره این بازی

In this action-packed super hero Miami gangster game, you'll play as a superhero that must use your amazing powers to fight crime and protect the city from evil Miami gangster. You'll be able to fly with super rope, shoot webs, and use your super strength to take down your enemies in Miami.
The Miami Rope Super Hero is a fully-fledged open world game, where you can explore the city, interact with civilians, and complete missions using super powers. There are also tons of side challenges to compete in Miami rope hero and plenty of competitions to test your skills for fighting and shooting in Miami gangster.
Key Features:
* Thrilling action-packed gameplay
* Explore the vast open world of Miami
* Complete challenging missions
* Unlock new powers and abilities
* Customize your superhero
* Awesome 3D graphics and sound effects
* Smooth and responsive controls in Miami gangster
So what are you waiting for? Download the game Miami gangster, Miami Rope Super Hero today and start saving the city!
تاریخ به‌روزرسانی
۱۰ آبان ۱۴۰۲

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