SonicJobs Job Search

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+۵۰۰ هزار
رده‌بندی محتوا
مناسب برای همه

درباره این برنامه

Find your perfect job on SonicJobs, the job search app built to help you on your job search journey. You will never be redirected from the SonicJobs app. Get free access to millions of job postings, personalize your search, create or upload your Resume and submit job applications—all from the SonicJobs app.

From search to application, the SonicJobs app helps you through the entire process of finding the job that’s right for you.

Search by job title, salary, and location
Find full-time, part-time, contract, and remote positions
Explore new jobs through our recommendations suggested specifically for you

Personalize and Create
Create your Resume using AI technology
See which jobs you’ve saved, and applied to
Create alerts to get notified about specific jobs

Use the Community section to support you in all stages of your job search process
Get free access to expert advice

Use your SonicJobs Resume to easily apply to jobs from the app
Use 1 tap apply to apply for multiple jobs
No need to register to different job boards anymore, filling long forms and uploading your Resume from a computer. With SonicJobs, you can apply directly from your mobile to all the jobs you want.

What people say about us
“It's so clever and easy to use - Rebecca S
“I’ve been invited to an interview in less than a day. High-quality jobs, super easy and quick.” - Tiffany R.
“The app is amazing. It’s just immediate, and simple. It is different from the rest of the solutions to find jobs and I think it’s really great to find a job” - Andrea M.

Get the app now to find a better job today and get hired fast!

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us anytime at or visit We are here to help you find the right job for you, fast.
تاریخ به‌روزرسانی
۲۴ دی ۱۴۰۲

ایمنی داده

ایمنی با درک اینکه توسعه‌دهندگان چگونه داده‌های شما را جمع‌آوری و هم‌رسانی می‌کنند شروع می‌شود. شیوه‌های حفظ امنیت و حریم خصوصی داده‌ها ممکن است براساس استفاده، منطقه، و سن شما متفاوت باشد. توسعه‌دهنده این اطلاعات را ارائه کرده است و ممکن است آن را درطول زمان به‌روزرسانی کند.
این برنامه ممکن است این نوع داده‌ها را با اشخاص ثالث هم‌رسانی کند
اطلاعات شخصی،‏ فعالیت‌ها در برنامه، و دستگاه یا شناسه‌های دیگر
این برنامه ممکن است این نوع داده‌ها را جمع‌آوری کند
اطلاعات شخصی و دستگاه یا شناسه‌های دیگر
داده‌ها هنگام جابه‌جایی رمزگذاری می‌شود
می‌توانید درخواست کنید داده‌ها حذف شود

رتبه‌بندی‌ها و مرورها

۳٫۰۶ هزار مرور

ویژگی‌های جدید

We have made improvements to our app to make it more intuitive to use so that the job you are looking for is even easier to find! The updated application process now makes applications even simpler allowing you to find your perfect job quickly!