Parcheesi Maze

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Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla

Acerca deste xogo

parcheesi Maze brings back the nostalgic charm of the classic board game with modern twists and exciting features. Roll the dice, strategize your moves, and compete against friends or AI opponents in this addictive and fun-filled parcheesi adventure!

Experience the joy of playing parcheesi with parcheesi Maze, a modern take on the beloved board game that promises hours of entertainment and friendly competition. Whether you're a knowledgeable player or new to Ludo, parcheesi Maze offers a seamless and immersive gaming experience that captures the spirit of this timeless classic.

parcheesi Maze features customizable game rules, classic board look, quick play, and multiplayer, allowing players to choose their preferred style of gameplay. Customize your game with different board skins, parcheesi pieces, and dice designs to add a personal touch to your gaming sessions.

Ludo Maze Features:
* Offline Multiplayer board game
* Play 2 to 4 player with local multiplayer mode
* Single player play with Ai opponents
* Multiple Dice, Board & Pieces/Gotti skins
* Simple & easy rules with customize options
* Continue from last game
* Less app Size
* Completely free
Última actualización
25 de mar. de 2024

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🚀 Update Highlights 🚀
Minor Bug Fix