Membaca Wajah - Face Reading

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Tentang aplikasi ini

Discover your unique beauty rating and facial characteristics with precision on the Face Shape, Face Reader & Rate Me App!

This all-in-one app analyzes your face using the latest facial recognition technology to provide you with a detailed report of your face shape, symmetry, and beauty score.

With the Face Shape, Face Reader & Rate Me App, you can:

Calculate your beauty score using the golden ratio face for Eyes, Nose, and Lips. Assess Face Symmetry, Eyebrows Symmetry, Eyes Symmetry, Nose Symmetry, and Lips Symmetry. Explore different face shapes like Heart, Diamond, Square, Oval, Oblong, and Circular. Get insights into Chinese face reading based on your face shape. Analyze Eyebrow Shape (Arched, Rounded, S-Shaped) and Eye Shape (Rounded, Almond) for further understanding. Evaluate Lips Shape (Full, Thin, Heart, Wide) and unlock their significance. Find your face shape, beauty rating and understand the proportions of your face features.

This app is also known as "Face Rate", "beauty rater", "attractive scale", "how hot am i", "attractiveness test", "How to Calculate Your Face Shape", "Face Symmetry Calculator" and "Chinese Face Reading". It is a great way to learn more about your face and to see how you compare to others. Download it today and see for yourself!
Diupdate pada
17 Apr 2024

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2,81 rb ulasan
Ummu Arwa
17 Januari 2024
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- Peningkatan Kalkulator Skor Kecantikan
- Pembacaan Bentuk Wajah
- Pembacaan Bentuk Alis
- Membaca Bentuk Mata
- Pembacaan Bentuk Bibir
- Fitur simetri baru untuk wajah, alis, mata, hidung, dan bibir
- Lokalisasi untuk berbagai bahasa