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1. Gift / Brand Recommendation
Are you wondering what essential shopping items you must buy at Korean department stores?
Explore the Gift Recommendations from LOTTE Department Store and say goodbye to the hassle of searching for souvenirs!
Discover the top 10 beloved brands in Korea! With the LOTTE Department Store APP, your shopping plans are hassle-free!

2. Abundant Benefits of Discounts and Affiliated Coupons
Receive a variety of coupons, events, and benefits exclusive to our global customers.
Make sure to check out the exclusive benefits offered only through the APP!

3. Delightful Suggestions Inside and Outside the Department Store
We provide exciting news on hot Pop-Up Stores and on-site events you can visit immediately.
And there’s more! Enjoy exquisite dining options and explore nearby tourist courses before or after your delightful shopping experience.
Follow our Day-Trip recommendations, and complete your travel itinerary!

4. Business Information
Discover store information such as opening hours, closed days, and transportation details.
Check the details of the store you plan to visit for an enjoyable shopping experience!

5. Store Information
Access locations and directions to diverse brands and facilities, such as the information desk and tax refund services.
Quickly and conveniently locate the areas you wish to visit using the search feature on the shopping map!
Diupdate pada
26 Sep 2023

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