ECG Academy | Doctors, EMT

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Unlock the world of EKG interpretation with our ECG Pocket Guide app. Designed for doctors, medical students, nurses, EMTs, AEMTs and healthcare professionals, this comprehensive tool will teach you how to read 12-lead ECGs in seconds, making EKG waves, intervals, cardiac axis, and arrhythmias.

Key Features:

Systematic ECG Analysis: Master the art of ECG interpretation through a structured approach. We break down complex concepts using animated EKG strips, helping you grasp the fundamentals effortlessly.

Detailed ECG Waves: Dive into the intricacies of ECG waves, including the P wave, QRS complex, and U wave. We offer comprehensive explanations to ensure you understand every aspect of the ECG.

Rhythm Recognition: Learn to identify normal and abnormal heart rhythms with precision. Our app equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to make accurate diagnoses.

ECG Lead Placement: Familiarize yourself with ECG leads and their correct placement. Gain insights into the basics of EKG interpretation.

350+ ECG Cases: We've included a vast library of ECG cases, each accompanied by explanations on how to analyze them. Animated Electrocardiograms enhance the learning experience.

Ideal for ACLS Exam Preparation: Use this app to prepare for the Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) exam and enhance your simulation skills. Trusted by 500 Thousand Doctors & EMTs worldwide.

Ready to become an EKG expert? Upgrade to our premium version for unlimited access to an extensive ECG case library.

Get started on your journey to mastering electrocardiography. Download the ECG Pocket Guide today!

Developed by
RER MedApps

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22. feb. 2024


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