Pushto Quran

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Informazioni su questa app

Discover the spiritual wisdom of the Quran like never before! Our user-friendly app brings the revered text to your fingertips in English, Pashto, French, and Arabic. Whether you're a lifelong learner, a curious explorer, or seeking deeper understanding, this app is your gateway to one of the world's most influential scriptures. Enjoy seamless navigation, clear translations, and insightful interpretations that make the Quran's teachings accessible to everyone. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Islamic culture and history, with each verse vividly brought to life in your chosen language. Our commitment to accuracy and respect for tradition ensures a truly authentic experience. Uncover the profound messages and timeless wisdom of the Quran today - download now for a journey of enlightenment and peace. Dive into the heart of Islamic teachings and connect with a global community of believers and scholars. Your spiritual journey awaits with just a tap!
Ultimo aggiornamento
1 apr 2024

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Valutazioni e recensioni

629 recensioni