100 Brain-Teasing Games

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Informazioni sul gioco

A super fun and recently popular rule-based supernatural storytelling game that incorporates various trending elements. You need to read and follow the rules written on the notes to complete tasks.

Carefully observe the pictures and find the points that match the level requirements in order to pass the level. It greatly tests our thinking abilities and requires quick and flexible responses to find the answers.

Each picture scene has a different story, bringing more surprises and experiences. Interested friends should give it a try.

It has a rich variety of levels, each providing players with different challenges and fun.

The brain-teasing challenges require players to think and answer questions, complete dialogues, and unlock more levels, increasing the depth and replayability of the game.

The cartoon-style artwork is exquisite, the content is simple and interesting, creating a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere for immersive relaxation.

The gameplay and levels are interesting, with a rich story background and funny elements, allowing you to fully enjoy the fun of adventure.
Ultimo aggiornamento
3 nov 2023

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