432Hz Music Player Lite

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Informazioni su questa app

Con questa app puoi risintonizzare la tua musica su frequenze di solfeggio curative.
Si dice che queste frequenze abbiano un effetto positivo sulla mente, sul corpo e sull'ambiente

Ultimo aggiornamento
1 nov 2023

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Valutazioni e recensioni

69 recensioni


-Search function
-Background Play enabled!
Turns out there is some confusion about changing the frequency of the music. Try switching from 174Hz to 963-mode and tell me if there's a difference.

I've been reading u guys' comments and definitely listen to them and want to improve this app.

Trying to make frequency shift as accurate as possible by using as many significant digits when changing the frequency.
But the pitch-shifter algorithm can only handle a certain amount of digits...

Have fun!