ArcheryLink score plot rounds

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Informazioni su questa app

Score Plot your archery progress
Save your archery scores, calculate your handicap and classification, and upload them to Golden Records!

With ArcheryLink, you can:
* Score your arrows using buttons or by plotting them on a target face
* Calculate your handicap and classification using ArcheryGB 2023 rules
* Upload your scores to Golden Records, a popular club records online database
* Save your scores to a local database
* See your best scoring centre and individual arrow plot positions
* Support WA and Archery GB rounds
* Create custom rounds
* Download your scores from Golden Records
* Add notes to each round
* Email your scores as a PDF or CSV file to your records officer
* Create sight marks for each bow class, and arrow combination.
* Sight mark graph, calculated slope and offset, to calculate out sight marks not yet saved.
* when plotting arrows, can assign individual arrow number to plot position.
* Arrow plotting, can show best scoring position.
* Built in handicap calculator, select distance, face size, distance units, scoring (10,9,5,1), no arrows, arrow diameter shot and score.

ArcheryLink is the perfect app for archers of all levels. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, ArcheryLink can help you improve your outcome.

Download ArcheryLink today and start tracking your scores!
Ultimo aggiornamento
12 mag 2024

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Fix bug in A-Z sorting of rounds