
Over deze app

Gira System 3000 offers maximum flexibility and the best comfort for advanced blind and light control: The Gira System 3000 app can be used to operate the comfort motion detectors, the Bluetooth blind timer and set the device settings. The app allows a direct connection to the controllers, quite simply via Bluetooth, no network or further gateway is required.
The Gira Interface presents all functions for the operation and configuration of the products in a clear and descriptive way, allowing easy access to the building. Once created time programs and device settings can be easily transferred to other products, which makes commissioning fast and convenient.
Timer functions can be adjusted automatically with the integrated Astro program for dynamic sunrise and sunset following the seasons, a random function makes the circuits appear variable: For outsiders, no fixed pattern is visible in times of absence.
• The Gira System 3000 App can manage up to 50 System 3000 Bluetooth products
• A Gira System 3000 Bluetooth product can be operated with max. 8 smart devices connected
• The blind and timer controller can manage up to 40 switching times
• The Gira brightness and temperature sensor Bluetooth is available for protection against direct sunlight
Geüpdatet op
31 okt 2023

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