Septica Online

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Despre joc


It is a 4-card trick-and-draw game played by 2 or 4 players in fixed partnerships with a 32-card piquet deck consisting of the 32 cards of the ranks ace, king, queen, jack, ten and 7–9. Card suits do not play a role in this game, and there is no ranking order. Aces and tens have card-point values of 10 points each, while all other cards have no card-point value. Together with the 10 points awarded for winning the last trick, there are 90 points in a deal. The object is to win more than half of them, i.e. at least 50 points. A trick is won by the last player to play a card of the same rank as the card led.

Every player is dealt 4 cards. The remaining cards form a stock from which the players fill up their hands while it lasts. Eldest hand leads any card to the first trick. The remaining players are completely free in which card to play to the trick. The last player to play a card of the same rank as the card led wins the trick, is the first to replenish his or her cards from the stock, and leads to the next trick. The sevens function as jokers, i.e. they replace they assume the rank of the first card in the trick. However, if a seven is led to a trick, it just represents a seven.

(Translators needed)

Another explanation of the rules:
Ultima actualizare
1 sept. 2019

Siguranța datelor

Siguranța începe cu înțelegerea modului în care dezvoltatorii colectează și trimit datele tale. Practicile de securitate și confidențialitate a datelor pot varia în funcție de modul de utilizare, de regiune și de vârsta ta. Dezvoltatorul a oferit aceste informații și le poate actualiza în timp.
Aplicația poate trimite terților următoarele tipuri de date
Locație, Activitatea în aplicații și încă 2
Aplicația poate colecta următoarele tipuri de date
Locație, Activitatea în aplicații și încă 2
Datele sunt criptate în timpul transmiterii
Datele nu pot fi șterse


Compliant update.
Removed tokens.