This app allows you to find a top tutor within hours
Once students have taken a free demo and paid the fee they are added in a dedicated class. edvi tutors take 1-to-1 live classes to provide individual attention.
Everything from live classes over video, whiteboard, notes etc. is managed through this app.
edvi tutors conduct private 1-to1 classes through this app or
Students enjoy a simplified learning environment when they study with edvi -
1. A realistic classroom experience :
Access all recorded & live lectures from a single location, whenever you want
2. Smart streaming for seamless sessions :
Never miss out on anything with our smart streaming feature that adapts to your internet connection
3. Record classes for future reference :
Students can ask tutor to record classes for revision.
4. Track your performance regularly :
Keep a record of all your homework sheets and marks with our organised & easily accessible digital library
5. Prompt feedback and remarks :
Receive prompt feedback & corrected copies of your homework from your teacher directly
Download 'edvi' now to learn from top edvi tutor.