All the news, scores & videos about NBA & NCAA basketball from all top sources - in a single app.
We cover all major basketball news sources, all leagues (including the NBA & NCAA), podcasts, blogs, video channels - to bring you a clean & effective summary of Basketball in the US.
Features include:
* News feed covering stories from all sources with no duplication - see all sources that covered a story with a simple tap
* Scoreboard - always up-to-date: NBA, Euroleague, College basketball and more
* A community of Basketball fans! Post stories or polls, comment on stories, tag articles and earn badges
* Push notifications for prominent stories
* Videos curated from top video channels
* Customized news feed - if you want to follow specific team like the Miami Heat, or specific topics, like NCAA - no problem. Just select the topics you want to follow and hit 'My News', or block topics you don't want to see in your feed
* You can now block any source you don't like! Simply long-tap the article and block it!
* Collapsed mode - an efficient reading mode that will let you skim the news
* An awesome widget!
* A built in-app Read Later feature to save any item you wish to read later
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