Animated Stickers Maker & GIF

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Bu tətbiq haqqında

Animated Sticker for Whatsapp! GIFS & video sticker maker: Wasticker with moving.


Animated Sticker Maker is a sticker maker tool for your phone and a platform for users to exchange gifs and photos via Wa!
It’s the app that can change animated photos like .gifs / .webp / .mp4 to be a Wa sticker. You can collect in your phone as many sticker gifs as you want from online resources like Giphy by searching keywords.

If you want to make your photos be sticker on your phone, Animated Sticker Maker helps you add funny gifs to your Wa.
To have the sticker packs made by other users, you can add them to your Wa with one click.
Easily use the sticker maker after a call when you need to surprise your friends in a Wa conversation.


Collect sticker from online resource for your phone with 3 steps:
1. Search by words you want, such as ""love, hi, thank you, good morning, good night…"" and click the animated photos you would like to have in your Wa.
2. All gifs you choose will be broken down to static photos by frames of motion, choose the one you like to be your sticker. You can go back to step 1 to add more in your phone.
3. Give a name to your gifs pack in the sticker maker and then add to Wa.

Use your own photos from phone to make a sticker with 2 steps:
1. Give a name to your sticker pack and then go to select gifs from your phone one by one.
2. Write captions or greeting words on your gifs, you can click the dice icon to use the captions we prepare for you. After all editions done, click “add to Wa”


Don’t worry if you are too lazy to make your own sticker pack, you can just add in your phone others’ uploaded packs to your Wa with only one click!
Share with your Wa friends, let them chat with creative photos turned into a sticker from now on! With Animated Sticker Maker you can make a lot of sticker packs or gifs of dogs / cats / celebrities, even anime photos with funny expressions, you will have the most fun Wa!
Just download Animated Sticker Maker now!

Create animated sticker gifs for Whatsapp.

Third-Party Suppliers
To be able to deliver the Application and its functionalities to you to use Wa, we use third-party sub-suppliers, to whom we may transfer data. One of these partners is Appvestor, please follow the link to read Appvestor's Privacy Policy.
Güncəlləmə vaxtı
19 avq 2024

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