HOLYCHORD PRO songs on phone

Reklam ehtiva edir
Məzmun reytinqi
Hər kəs
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli

Bu tətbiq haqqında

HOLYCHORDS PRO - Christian songs in your phone. Thousands of songs without internet. There are more and more songs with every update. HOLYCHORD PRO allows you to download texts for printing. Now there is no barrier with chords - choose the desired and convenient key. Below the song you can watch the video with the track.
Also, another feature is a tuning fork, use it to start singing in the correct key.

- Does not take up much memory in the phone
- Instant search by title, artist and collection
- Choose any tone
- Share lyrics and videos of songs
- Works without internet. As under water, so in space!

Download and enjoy!
Güncəlləmə vaxtı
13 dek 2023

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