Icecream Cone Cupcake Baking

Reklam ehtiva edirProqramdaxili satınalmalar
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Ekran şəkli
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Ekran şəkli
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Ekran şəkli

Bu oyun haqqında

🍦 Icecream Cone Cupcake Baking Game: The Sweetest Treat Awaits! 🍦
Calling all ice cream game enthusiasts and baking game lovers! Create the ice cream in this game by controlling your ice cream dispenser. Press the dispenser button to drop your ice cream on the cone and make a delicious virtual ice cream cone. Become the ice cream cone maker and craft stunning cones in dessert games.

Become a Master Baker in Ice Cream Games
In this ice cream game, go to the supermarket and purchase the ingredients e.g. eggs, flour, milk etc that are required to make delicious ice cream. Reach the checkout counter, scan your items and clear your bill. Now, it's time to mix the ingredients, blend them thoroughly and then bring and pour the mixture to sweet ice cream making machine to get more colder dessert. And at the end, have some fun with colorful and yummiest toppings on your ice cream cones. Enjoy your sweet delicious virtual ice cream.

If you love to play cooking games, we have different cooking modes for you.
🍔 Burger Making Mode
🍩 Donut Baking Mode
🍝 Pasta Cooking Mode
🥞 Pancake Baking Mode

If you're searching for the ultimate ice cream game, look no further! Icecream Cone Cupcake Baking Game is the perfect blend of sweet treats and creativity. With stunning graphics and an intuitive gameplay experience, Ice cream Cone Cupcake Game will keep you entertained. So, get ready for a sweet virtual adventure.
Güncəlləmə vaxtı
26 sen 2024

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