Tank 90

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Məzmun reytinqi
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Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli

Bu oyun haqqında

You have to control a tank and then destroy enemy tanks at each level, which enter the game area from the top of the screen. Enemy tanks will attempt to destroy the player's base (represented as bird, eagle or Phoenix on the map), as well as the human tank itself. Once the player destroys all 20 enemy tanks, level a will be completed, but if the player's base is destroyed or the player loses all available life, the game ends.

It consists of 20 different stages, 13 units wide and 13 units high. Each map contains different types of terrain and obstacles.

-Super mode

At each level, it will drop a large number of five-star and other items at the beginning, so that it can quickly upgrade weapons

With weapon upgrade, your tank will increase speed and bullet damage will be improved

This mode adds more gorgeous special effects: tailing, particle system, vibration screen, color, etc., giving players a special visual experience!

-Normal mode

Based on the tank battle in 1990, optimize the control and rendering efficiency of the joystick, so that players can play more happily.

When you eat three stars, you are like a super man who controls the world.

-Challenge mode

All kinds of super difficulty levels, such as shooting, controlling bullets, boss spinning tank, bomb Superman, persist for 1 minute, lucky items, boss never give up and so on, will make you have an unusual experience.

Come and enjoy it. I hope it reminds you of your childhood“
Güncəlləmə vaxtı
6 noy 2023

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Təhlükəsizlik developerlərin məlumatlarınızı necə toplayıb paylaşdığını anlamaqdan başlayır. Məlumatların məxfiliyi və təhlükəsizlik təcrübələri istifadə, region və yaşınıza görə dəyişə bilər. Developer bu məlumatı təmin edir və zaman keçdikcə yeniləyə bilər.
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fix bug

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Telefon nömrəsi
Developer haqqında
沙湖镇凉亭村一组8号 仙桃市, 湖北省 China 430000

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