Strike Force- 1945 War

Reklam ehtiva edirProqramdaxili satınalmalar
33,9K rəy
10 mln+
Məzmun reytinqi
Hər kəs 10+
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli
Ekran şəkli

Bu oyun haqqında

In Strike Force battle your way across waves of fighters to meet an ultimate boss who you need to take down to advance to the next level!

Protect the galaxy from space invaders and become the greatest Captain of all time! In this space shooter game, wipe out the pack of evil enemies before entering tough and fierce Big Boss Battles.

Every level has a powerful Boss for you to beat. So shoot 'em up!


- Different fighter planes to choose from
- Beautiful and stunning graphics provide amazing visuals.
- Unique challenges with epic and huge bosses
- Easy Controls & Attractive Sound.
- Challenging Environments to explore
- Classic arcade shooter

Do you like space shooter or arcade shooter games where you have to wipe out galaxy invaders? If the answer is "yes" then Strike Force will suit you best!

In Strike Force - 1945 War, choose your air fighter, destroy the sky invaders and protect the galaxy. Show them what you’re capable of! Shoot 'em up and win in this space shooter!

Play the ultimate arcade shooter while you save the people from galaxy invaders. Get ready to be the airattack and fight off the alien invaders in this epic arcade shooter. Shoot 'em up!

Only the strongest can be the sky force to change the tides and be the sky force reloaded that everyone needs. Repel the galaxy invaders and become a hero who saves everyone in the galaxy attack.

As you are the leader in this airattack, it is up to you to defend your community while in the sky force.

Download Strike Force - 1945 War now!

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Güncəlləmə vaxtı
16 okt 2024

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