Rubik kubunu necə həll olar

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Bu tətbiq haqqında

In our mobile app we show you how to solve 3 × 3 × 3 Rubix Cube Step by Step. To solve the Rubik's cube requires memorization and thinking. When you first learn, memorization is more important when you start to learn the power of thinking comes to the fore. Having learned how to solve the Rubik's cube, it requires quick thinking and decision-making.

Application content

* Introduction of Rubix cube

* Rubik's cube solving in 7 steps (Solving the edge and corner parts of the top layer, Solving the edge parts of the middle layer, Orientation of the edge and corner parts of the last layer)

Download our "How to solve 3 × 3 × 3 Rubik's cube" mobile app now. Learn about the solution of this game that appeared 40 years ago and is known by everyone from all over the world.
Güncəlləmə vaxtı
26 iyl 2023

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