YEOBOYA - Marriage and Meet

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Bu tətbiq haqqında

"Yeoboya" is a 👰wedding specialist platform🤵 designed to create a new culture of marriage by providing new and rational services.

* Promote your profile and find a lifelong connection through “Yeoboya”! *

It is easy to use in cities👨‍💼, farming and fishing villages👩‍🌾, as well as anywhere in the world.

⭐The Reasons why 'YEOBOYA' is the best marriage platform⭐

1. Every day, members who find a marriage partner register a thank you message at Thanks Yeoboya. 🙏

Hundreds of members who find a marriage partner register a thank you message on Thanks Yeoboya every day. These articles of appreciation create a brand called Yeoboya, a reliable and proven service.

2. Yeoboya is the first mobile marriage service to implement a large-scale "Marriage Support
Project" (marriage refund system, marriage support fund, childbirth congratulatory fund). 👪

- Marriage refund: Yeoboya returns 100% of the usage fee when the marriage is confirmed on Yeoboya.
- Marriage support fund: Yeoboya provides a support fund of KRW 1 million to members who have met their spouses on Yeoboya.
- Childbirth congratulatory fund: Yeoboya gives an additional congratulatory fund of KRW 1 million to members who have succeeded in both marriage and childbirth on Yeoboya.

3. It is a reasonable service where you can find a lifelong connection on your own. 💏
On Yeoboya, you can search for your ideal partner based on age, location, education, salary, religion, and more.
You can express your interest directly by using the "Contact" and "Interested" buttons after viewing the potential partner's profile and introduction.😘

4. You can contact and meet someone anytime, anywhere.🙋

If you find someone you like, you can contact them anytime, anywhere on “Yeoboya”.

5. There is no additional cost for yeoboya.🤩

Traditional offline marriage agencies can be expensive, but Yeoboya does not charge for membership fees, matchmaking fees, marriage fees, or any other additional costs for marriage.
6. Try using Yeoboya's acquaintance blocking feature.📞

Simply register the phone number of your acquaintance in your contact list and your profile will not be disclosed to them.

■ Yeoboya is the top matchmaker you have never seen before. It means that you can also get married on Yeoboya. 🤵

■ What is really important is not just a good-looking appearance or conditions, but finding the perfect match that is right for you! 🕵

Find your ideal type that you have been dreaming of in Yeoboya right now. 🧚

■ Yeoboya SNS channels ■
- Instagram
- KakaoStory
- Facebook
- KakaoTalk Plus Friend (@yeoboya)

■ Minors and married people cannot use the service.

■ Customer Center
- Phone number : +82 1522 3379
- Email address :

■ Optional Access Permissions
- 🎤Microphone: Permission required for voice transmission in free video chat.
- 📸Camera: Permission required for profile/personal photo registration.
- 📂Photos/Media/Files: Permission required for profile/personal photo registration.
- 💬SMS: Permission required for automatic registration of verification number received by text - message when signing up.
- 📍Location: Permission required for searching members nearby.
- 🆔ID: Permission required for all Android users who install the app.
- 📔Contacts: Permission required for finding friends based on contacts.
- 📱Permission for Nearby Devices : Permissions to use Bluetooth features during a video call library.
- 🔔Notification Access: Permission for receiving alerts regarding new members, messages, and benefits like coupons.
- 📞Phone Access: Necessary permission for making calls in the voice/video call feature.
* The selected access permissions for these features are required when using the respective functions, and even if not allowed, other services can still be used.

■ Developer Contact
- 1522-3379
- 1577-6592
Güncəlləmə vaxtı
11 okt 2024

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# 여보야가 새로워 졌어요.

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Developer haqqında
대한민국 광주광역시 서구 서구 상무대로 760, 9층 (마륵동,광주도시철도공사사옥) 61961
+82 10-9217-7900