Symmetry and other games

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Екранна снимка
Екранна снимка
Екранна снимка
Екранна снимка
Екранна снимка
Екранна снимка
Екранна снимка

Всичко за тази игра

The collection of games "Symmetry and other games" is an exciting logic puzzle with interesting tasks and a pleasant design. The collection includes 3 games - "Symmetry", "Tic Tac Toe", "Color Grid". Each game uses brain training technology – the levels gradually become more complicated. All games have statistics and descriptions of how to play.
“Symmetry" is a puzzle game with symmetrical shapes. The playing field is divided by a red line. Blue squares are drawn in one part of the field. The rule of the game is to select red squares symmetrical with blue in the other part of the field within the specified time. There are 5 symmetry tasks at each level. Having solved all the tasks correctly, go to the next level.
"Tic Tac Toe" is a popular puzzle game that both adults and children love. The game is interesting because you can play with a friend or against a Bot. In a game with a Bot, depending on the score, the game becomes more complicated. The winner is the one who first places 5 of his pieces in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row. If the field is filled and there is no winner, the game ends in a draw.
"Color Grid" is a pleasant game with beautiful color combinations. The goal of the game is to fill the playing field with one color in the minimum number of moves. In the game settings, you can change the size of the field – 14x14, 16x16, 18x18, and also choose the number of colors – 6 or 8.
The collection of puzzles "Symmetry and other games" are designed to improve memory, concentration, attention, and the development of spatial abilities.
Актуализирано на
8.01.2024 г.

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