Kid's schedule - Simple Routin

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Всичко за това приложение

✅ Task and events tracker!
Do you need to organize your child's routine? Do you need to write down when was the last dose of medicine? What if the child vomited after a meal? "Kid's schedule - Simple Routine Tracker" is a simple and intuitive tasks tracker and events tracker, so you can not only manage the kid’s to-do list, but all the unforeseen events too.

✅ Register tasks and daily events
It is possible to record and organize the tasks, activities and events of the kid's daily life, such as: lunch, bath, leisure, accidents, vomiting, fever, among others.

✅ Organize and track the routine
The tasks have levels of satisfaction and the events include levels of severity, useful resources for the caregiver, who needs to inform the child's parents about the child's routine, or for the parents, who needs to track the evolution in the daily life of their kid.

✅ Simple, fast and free
“Kid's schedule - Simple Routine Tracker” is a routine planner and tracker. Does your child have dietary restrictions? Allergy to any soap? Specify when creating a given activity. Does your child vomit often? Does he/she refuse the medicine? Register these happenings in the events agenda. Everything is done simply and quickly.

✅ Generate and share routine report
The "Kid's schedule - Simple Routine Tracker" allows you to share a report of the kid's daily activities. So the parents can keep an eye on it even if they are not close.

✅ For parents and caregivers!
Download the "Kid's schedule - Simple Routine Tracker" and simplify the organization of tasks and events from the kid's daily routine.
Актуализирано на
26.03.2021 г.

Безопасност на данните

Безопасността започва с разбирането на това, как програмистите събират и споделят данните ви. Практиките за поверителност и сигурност на данните може да варират в зависимост от употребата от ваша страна, региона и възрастта ви. Тази информация е предоставена от програмиста и той може да я актуализира с течение на времето.
Не се споделят данни с трети страни
Научете повече за това, как програмистите декларират споделянето
Това приложение може да събира следните типове данни
Лични данни и Идентификатори на устройството или други идентификатори
Данните се шифроват при предаване

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